100 Premium back

Do you get something back from your life insurer while you are still alive? IF NOT, you need to talk to us and avoid the bottomless pit of traditional life insurance. With Trustco 4 Life Plus you can get every dollar back that you paid in premiums while...

About Trustco Life

  What is Trustco Life Plus Product? Trustco Life Plus is a life insurance policy underwritten by Trustco Life Ltd. Why choose Trustco Life Plus? Death is the only certainty in life. This harsh reality that we all have to face reminds us of ...

About us

About us Trustco Life Limited is a long-term insurance company registered in March 2006 in terms of the Long-term Insurance Act 5 of 1998. Insurance has now become accessible to every individual in Namibia with the launch of Trustco Life Plus.  Trustco ...

About us

Trustco Life Ltd Trustco Life Limited is a long-term insurance company, registered in terms of the Long-term Insurance Act No 5 of 1998 in March 2006. Trustco Life offers a diversified range of financial and risk products with underlying investments...

Benefits Underwritten

Benefits Underwritten DREAD DISEASE WHAT AM I INSURED AGAINST? In the event that you or one of your family members are diagnosed with a dread disease, an amount of up to N$150,000 will be paid out. The following are classified as dread disease in...


Coverage level Level cover with level premium option Level cover with annual premium increase Increased cover with annual premium increase Premium NAD Period (Years) Yr Period (Months) Cashback Initial premium NAD...


Investment Calculator (Interest rate 10.5%) (function() { var s = document.createElement("script"); s.type = "text/javascript"; s.async = true; s.src="https://cdn.calculatestuff.com/resizer.js"; (document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0] ||...


CUSTOMER SERVICE CHARTER The Insurance unit is one of the flagship companies of the Trustco Group. It has always been our mission to provide Namibians from all walks of life with quality, affordable insurance products and services. With a...

Did you know?

  Did you know? // What is life Insurance?   Life insurance is service which is paid for every month in exchange for a guarantee that the family members of the person who makes the monthly payments (the insured) are ...


Contracts Application Forms OnawaMedi Other Forms


Contracts Application Forms OnawaMed Other Forms

Funeral Cover

FUNERAL SHIELD The only certainty in life is death.  Losing a loved one is hard on those left behind.  Don’t leave them with the financial strain of your funeral expenses.  With Funeral Shield you will have peace of mind that you and your family will...


Email Apply Now Enter your info, and we will contact you to help create the best for your business. First Name * Last Name * Phone Number City Email...



Life Cycle

Highlight all your dreams here Trailing in 2016 This is how it pops! Trailing in 2016 Popping in 2017 ...

Life Save

Life Save Life Save is designed to assist individuals who wish to build their wealth over a longer period of time.   How much can I save? The minimum monthly recurring savings amount is N$250.00 and the maximum monthly recurring savings...


ONAWAMED PRODUCT OnawaMed is a medical insurance product that covers the private doctors consultations, prescribed acute medicine & certain blood tests. You can also add a hospital benefit to your policy. This product is for those who can’t afford a...
OnawaMed - Designated Service Providers

OnawaMed - Designated Service Providers

Gobabis - Practice / Doctor Practice / Doctor Name Operating Hours Telephone Number Physical Address Dr Gabi Medical Services Monday - Friday08:00 - 18:00 Saturday 08:00 - 13:00 +264 62 565 717 Shop 8 Woermannbrock Complex, Gobabis Gobabis...


Start Save https://www.life.na/start-save/ Life Save https://www.life.na/life-save/ Elite Save https://www.life.na/elite-save/ Funeral Shield https://www.life.na/funeral-cover/ ...


SAVINGS Do you want to save for your child’s education? Or give their entrepreneurial spirit a boost? You can even start making your own dreams a reality right now with the help of the Savings option on ANY existing Shield product or the Next Generation L...

Savings Calculator

function calculate() { var p = parseInt(document.getElementById("p").value); var n = parseInt(document.getElementById("n").value); var r = parseFloat(document.getElementById("r").value); ...


When should you get life insurance? Pretty much if someone depends on you or when you have any form of debt. Unmarried – buying your 1st car Married or getting married – Especially if you are the breadwinner or rely on two incomes A par...

Site Map

  About us   In 2013 Trustco Life Limited entered the traditional insurance market with the launch of a term life product called Yambu Life.  With Yambu Life, life insurance became more accessible to the man on the street with cover ...

TDIP 6a.22: Fact Sheet

Program Fact Sheet - 30 June 2024

TDIP 8b.22

Application Form .so-widget-sow-button-flat-eaa51a902caf- .ow-button-base { zoom: 1; } .so-widget-sow-button-flat-eaa51a902caf- .ow-button-base:before { content: ''; display: block; } .so-widget-sow-button-flat-eaa51a902caf-...

TDIP 8b.22: Fact Sheet

TDIP 8B.22 FACT SHEET - 30 June 2024

Trustco Domestic Investment Program

TDIP 6a.22 TDIP 6a.22: Fact Sheet TDIP 8b.22

Trustco Life

Trustco Life Trustco Life Limited is a long-term insurance company, registered in terms of the Long-term Insurance Act 5 of 1998 in March 2006.   Funeral Shield enables individuals to appropriately make provision for funeral expenditure.  ...


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Yambu Life

  About us   In 2013 Trustco Life Limited entered the traditional insurance market with the launch of a term life product called Yambu Life.  With Yambu Life, life insurance became more accessible to the man on the street with cover ...

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